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Sorneth Kilrae
Lord of Wolves
Screenshot commission by Nhao'ra Tayrin
The Wandering Bard
From city streets, to bustling taverns, and rural roads, the man is a common sight and sound to many. Though known mostly for his silver tongued tales of adventure, romance, and heroism. His harp holds the more soothing voice of the two, and soothes the soul with it's wordless melodies.
Stories and Tales
A bard is known most for their stories, and what better source is there then first hand accounts? From acquaintances and travelers, to comrades and friends. He takes his inspiration from the people he meets, and the adventures had along the way. So, weary wanderer, what story do you have to tell?
A Forgotten History
Deep beneath the surface of the star, where even the corrupted aether of Dalamund has yet to reach. Lies a Gelmorran city lost to the ages, and even to his own kind. Dating back to the fall of the ancients, this thriving city lives in utter isolation. To venture to the surface means death, and those chosen to go above are martyrs. Exiled to die in the service of an endless war.
Grab an Ale, and settle in
Has my bard caught your eye? Well then settle in and grab a drink my friend, for your in for a treat. Be it casual relations, short term comradarie, or long term allies. Sorneth will frown on none, or the experiences gained along the way.
Like what you see, but not what your looking for?
If you think you'd enjoy roleplaying with me, but your character wouldn't have much interest in Sorneth. Then don't worry! Below are the links to my other characters, so check them out and tell me what you think!
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Like the site? Want one of your own? I'm open for commissions!
Character Sheet
Core Information
Full Name: Sorneth Kilrae
Nicknames: Soren, Sorn, wolf
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Race: Duskwight Elezen
Origin: Ancient Gelmorra, Black Shroud
Class: Bard
Height: 6'10 (208.28 cm)
Scent: Dragon's Blood incense & Cloves
Eye Color: Moonlight White, Dark Grey Sclera
Hair Color: Silver with white highlights
Skin Color: Incense smoke grey
Faction: The Night Hunters, Captian
Crest: A wolf's bust, with teeth bared.
Social Status: Exiled (Gelmorra), Commoner Class (Everywhere else)
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Current Residence: Hunting Cottage, Dravania
Occupation: Bard, Void Hunter, Wholesome Flirt
Philosophy: Undecided
Ailments: Tainted with Hunter's Blood
A Bardic Mind
Addictions: None
Likes: Trying new things, journal keeping, carving, meeting new people, rain, snow, the natural world, tea, wine.
Dislikes: Bright lights, unfinished tales, coffee, spicy food, violence for violence sake, being out of tune.
Loves: Conversation, Pleasant Company, Exchanging Stories, Adventures, Traveling, Warm fireplaces, Furs, Handmade Goods, self-sufficiency, writing, the sunless sea.
Hates: Mint, Sharks, Boats, Moogles.
Fears: Enraged Dragoons, the loss of his senses, Mimics.
Interests: Culture, Literature, Music, Botany, Conservation, Performing Arts, Philosophy.
Hobbies: Writing music & stories, carving, Sanctioned Hunting, Exploring, Adventuring, Traveling, Frequenting taverns & brothels, Indulging the Curious.Personality: Charming, cordial, creative, flirtatious, playful, philosophical, silver voiced, and kind hearted. The man's very nature seemed born for the mantle of bard that sat upon his shoulders, and it's come to very much define him as a whole. As if plucked from the tales of a well loved story, he lives to delight the mind and the senses of those within his company. Though this well tuned courtier, and romantic is known most for his loyalty and devotion to the bonds he's forged with others.
Shaped by the Bow
Build: A militant style background, and strict upkeep have resulted in the sculpted muscle that makes up most of the Bowman's frame. Resulting in a tone that is well suited for agility, speed, and endurance. Both within a saddle, and on foot.Eyes: A natural moon white in hue with a dark grey sclera, they often give the appearance of possessing a subtle glow within dim or low lighting. Yet in the rare few instances he does touch his aether to them, the surface of the iris shimmers and swirls as if infused with living stardust.Transformation note: When 'transitioned' the 'white' of his eyes will become black. This serves as the only visible tell of when he is 'scrying' an individual. An ability that allows him to see through illusion, Glamours, and reveal any taint or corruption within a persons aether.Hair: Silver in color, with white highlights dusted among the strands. It's texture offers a rather odd feel to the fingertips, as if it were thick fur instead of hair. In style, he keeps it no longer then his shoulders, and with a layered feathering to the tips.Skin: Incense smoke grey in color, the blue-ish tint seems to only show itself in moonlight. Yet for a soldier who has known only a life of the outdoors, it's feel is that of soft leather to the touch. With rougher leather marking the pale white of his scars. Callouses have also taken over his hands, as between bow, blade, harp, carpentry, and leather working. They've seen a life of constant use and work.